I have been successful in reaching the goals I set for myself and have had digital-age learning experiences and assessments that I already started implementing with my students. As suggested by the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) teachers should allow individual students to access active learning:
• Use out of several media formats to access information; I have started using
some of the tools I have learned in this course with my students in order to successfully reach the NETS-T goals I set out for myself which were:
1. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments;
2. Engaging in Professional Growth and Leadership;
I feel that this course has had the snowball effect on me, as it started rolling it became bigger until it turned into an avalanche; As I learn more I discover many more tools and procedures to learn. I have already started preparing my personal eportfolio and have started working with tools, such as o lesson builder, unit builder, rubrics, standards and target sets, which are in our Taskstream portfolio.
The immediate adjustments I will make to my instructional practice regarding technology integration in my content areas as a result of my learning from this course are:
• Provide students with more choices in the media , tools and context in which learning will take place;
• Have students demonstrate concepts and skills through the use of varied models of expert performance to allow students to identify with preferred mode;
• Provide multiple examples for multiple intelligences(visual, auditory, kinesthetic)using varied digital tools;
• Provide opportunities to practice skills with various levels of support, and provide ongoing, relevant feedback using digital rubrics and lesson builders;
• Include activities with varied levels of difficulty to challenge students at all levels of ability with a variety of tools.
Application 4 (New and Emerging Technologies)
13 years ago