Sunday, November 22, 2009

Research Questions

Since last week I have build up on my problem statement and questions. Some information given on the discussion board was very important. Thank you. Please give me some more suggestions.

Problem Statement:
I plan to determine the effectiveness of the adult educational training programs which integrate technology, when performed by students who have had different levels of contact with technology throughout their lives.

Who: students in adult educational training programs
What: effectiveness of adult training using technology
Why: Determine to what degree students in the adult educational training programs are able to use technology.

1.Is there a difference in student motivation to learn in a traditional learning environment without computers and a learning environment with 1:1 computers? (Difference question)
2.To what degree does student mastery of technology, determine the level of the work produced by the students? (Relationship question)
3.What is the best procedure for a teacher to use with students that are not familiar with technology? (Descriptive question)

I would say that mine is a mixed method research as I have quantative and qualitative questions and the design I am thinking of using is the triangulation design.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Problem Statement

This year is my first year working in the adult training program. The program was developed by the Ministry of Education and implemented in schools around the country.

The course is integrated in the government´s plan to bring the Portuguese populations’ minimum education level up to twelfth grade.

"The RVCC system has addressed the need for qualification of adults who, having no opportunity to achieve and complete cycles of general school-level, yet having a wide life experience in different fields of action, could recognize and certify their key skills through RVCC processes in appropriate settings working with technical specialists". (1)

In this course the students need to work with information technology as well as search for the information required.

I plan to determine the effectiveness of these adult training programs which integrate technology.
Who: students
What: effectiveness of adult training using technology
Why: extend knowledge in various areas including information technology and certify skills.

I have reoriented my problem statement so that it would be easier for me to do my research for this course because of the lack of research literature for my previous problem statement.


(1) Ministry of Education, Inc. (Producer). (2006). Operational Guide for secondary level Adult Education and Training. Lisbon. Author.