Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Storyboard Revised

Title of Program: Bringing Quality Education to the Island of São and Principe

Five photo slideshow and video segment of the Island.
View words such as: (remote; little access to good education; poorly prepared teachers; poverty; poor resources) rolling up the screen.
Music of São Tomé

Video of children in a classroom without a teacher.
Narrator: Sometimes in remote areas students miss lessons because the teachers leave and there are not substitute teachers at hand.

Still photo of a student in front of the computer on a distance education learning environment.
Narrator: A distance education learning environment to cater for the students that do not have teachers and could also complement face to face education, making learning a more motivating experience for students by providing learning opportunities which otherwise would be impossible for them to experience.

Screencast of a Prezi show with the principals of online learning. Words that appear on the screen:(equivalent curriculum; inclusion; learner engagement; innovative approaches; effective learning; formative assessment; summative assessment; coherence, consistency and transparency; ease of use; cost-effectiveness).
Narrator: Introduces the principals of distance education while they appear on the screen.
1. Equivalent curriculum: The curriculum should be equivalent to the curriculum in a face to face environment with clear objectives, with relevant content coverage, with appropriate student activities and assessment.
2. Inclusion: Present content in various forms to support students with different learning styles, social backgrounds, gender and with different types of impairments.
3. Learner engagement: The pedagogy should motivate and engage the learners and have a worthwhile educational aim.
4. Innovative approaches: Learning approaches must be fit for the purpose of the course.
5. Effective learning: Providing materials for the learner to choose the one that suits them best, exhibit multiple perspectives on a topic, giving the learner a global view.
6. Formative assessment: Aimed at improving learning by providing rapid feedback, by providing opportunities for peer assessment in collaborative environments, and by providing opportunities for self-assessment.
7. Summative assessment: Should be valid and reliable.
8. Coherence, consistency and transparency: Objectives, content, student activity and assessment should match each other.
9. Ease of use: As well as being transparent in its intention, distance education should be transparent in its ease of use by being open and accessible and intuitive.
10. Cost-effectiveness: It should be cost effective.

Screenshots of wikis, blogs, discussion boards, forums class chats, Skype chats and videoconferencing.
Phrase appears on the screen: Conrad and Donaldson (2004): “collaborative acquisition of knowledge is one key to the success of creating an online environment. Activities that require student interaction and encourage a sharing of ideas promote a deeper level of thought.”
Narrator: Reads Conrad and Donaldson’s phrase: “collaborative acquisition of knowledge is one key to the success of creating an online environment. Activities that require student interaction and encourage a sharing of ideas promote a deeper level of thought.” Retrieved from their book Engaging the online learner: Activities and resources for creative instruction. (p5)

Screenshots of online social communication environments such as facebook, twitter, myspace, skype and wiggio.
In the world there is a growing acceptance of distance education because of the increase of online communication among people. Students are using new tools; they are becoming comfortable with online discourse and are getting the opportunity to communicate with diverse groups.

Video of a student speaking over skype with another student while working on a distance education team project.
Synchronous and asynchronous learning; the asynchronous environment allows the student to log onto the class at any time, access discussions and think about what is being discussed before posting their discussions. It invites the student to reflect on what is being studied. The synchronous aspect of the distance learning environment benefits the community building aspect of the course as well as the delivery of an online class in real time, which facilitates the interventions by the students. The instructor should guarantee students stay on course and within the topic of study.

An organogram of an online system learning framework.
Narrator: Presents the learning system framework.
1. Learning outcomes;
2. Courseware development team;
3. Curriculum delivery via the learning management system;
4. Library and other learning object repositories;
5. Services;
6. Student information system;
7. Secure server;
8. User’s portal;
9. Quality Assessment process.

Screencast of the distance education site that I created for the project, integrating three different portals for distance education. Screencast shows the learner entering the distance education environment and accessing a lesson, a discussion board activity and viewing the collaborative tools. appears on the screen.
Narrator: Explain the site which has three different distance education management systems. One portal was prepared for the university students at the local university; another was prepared for teachers continued training, and the last portal was created for secondary school students who do not have teachers or by classes in collaborative work or using the virtual laboratories.

Still photo of Dr. Leslie Moller.
Narrator: Says that we have the opportunity and honor to have an expert speak about distance education, Dr. Leslie Moller. Presents biographical information on the main speaker Dr. Leslie Moller, explaining his long journey through distance education.
Music of São Tomé

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