Thursday, April 8, 2010

Revising my GAME Plan

The two NETS-T goals I set out to reach were:

1. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments;
I intended to incorporate digital tools and resources to maximize content learning and develop knowledge skills and self development attitudes in my students.

2. Engaging in Professional Growth and Leadership;
I intended to keep myself informed as to current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of students learning as well as teachers learning.

So far I have learned about the existence of different social networking tools that I had never heard about. Wiggio is a tool that I loved because as with the other social networking tools, with this one we are able to have videoconferences with our students when it may be necessary, for example before an important event such as the proton acceleration at the CERN. I was warned by mail that I could link into a certain site to see the collision. With Wiggio I would be able to be with my students to view this event and discuss it with them on the spur of the moment.

I also enjoyed working with Ning which is very much like a wiki although it seems to have greater facility in uploading different types of media. It is also easier to personalize. We are also able to twitter or publish on facebook using this tool.

I am still trying to prepare the e-portfolios for my students. I thought of being able to complete that during this break but I have had to complete the schools security and evacuation plan for evaluation, as we have had many changes because of the optical fibers that had to be installed throughout the school and as the school needed control rooms we had various modifications which affect the overall security of the school. All these excuses to say: I have not reached this goal yet.

When I look at the NETS-T goals I feel that I need to meet all these goals because they are all very important. I cannot meet some and then stop to go off to meet others, they are all linked to one another, therefore I have started off slowly getting myself accustomed to the process and then just have to join in more and more goals. This is a never-ending process.

Next goals:

Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
I want to demonstrate fluency in technology systems and transfer my current knowledge to new technologies and situations. I want to collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation. I also want to model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to be able to locate, evaluate and use information resources to support research and learning.

Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibilities
I need to advocate, model, and teach safe, legal and ethical use of digital information and technology. Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information. I also need to develop and model global awareness engaging with colleagues and students from other cultures, using digital age communication and collaboration tools.


Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). Program ten. Spotlight on Technology: Social Networking and Online Colaboration, Part 1 [Motion picture]. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore: Author
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). Program ten. Spotlight on Technology: Social Networking and Online Colaboration, Part 2 [Motion picture]. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore: Author


  1. Maria,
    I think you are well on your way and have already shown that you have a firm grasp on implementing your game plan. Also because I have seen your plans since we are working in the same group, you have shown you are well organized and ready to adjust if needed. I always enjoy reading your post for unique perspectives.

  2. Virgil,

    Thank you for you kind words and support.


  3. Maria,
    You have been very ambitious in learning about new technology tools and then determining if they are a good fit in classrooms. Your students are very fortunate to have a teacher that is so knowledgeble and willing to try new things.
    I have never used Ning but you may have just inspired me to try it.
    Great job!


  4. Kate,

    I am sure you will enjoy working with Ning. It has great possibilities.

