Thursday, March 25, 2010

Game Plan Progress

The steps I have already taken toward meeting the goals established for learning about technology and technology resources.

1. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments.
i. Finding the information and resources I need?
I have already started incorporating the digital tools where they have helped my students develop skills they did not have. They have started using tools such as webspirations for concept mapping, survey monkey for surveys and polls, they have already started using and preparing prezis, voicethreads, glogs, moviemaker, powerpoint and blogs.
I have still to learn more about the creation and how to implement the use of Digital Portals. I have been reading about them and how to create them but have not yet got down to producing one. If anybody can give me some support I would appreciate it.

ii. Do I need to modify my action plan?
I think that the students are enjoying their work, so I think this is the way to go, and continue without stopping.

iii. What have I learned so far?
I have learned that students, even adult students, try to do the same as other students when they like the product that the other students have produced. As I am working with adult students, and they have had a days’ work when they arrive at my lessons, some of them do not want to learn new ways to do things because it takes longer, but when they start seeing the results of the work done by other colleagues they want to try out the tools themselves and are able to do better research because they are so much more motivated.

2. Engaging in Professional Growth and Leadership
i. Finding the information and resources I need?
I am searching for the information I need, some information I have already managed to get other information has been much more difficult to access.
I have also been trying to keep myself informed about what is new in other educational blogs and it is quite challenging yet interesting getting new ideas, because it is so important for us to exchange our thoughts and ideas. We get so much richer in capacity to innovate and prepare different learning opportunities for my students.

ii. Do I need to modify my action plan?
I do not think that I should modify my action plan, I must organize myself in a better way to be able to apply it properly.

iii. What have I learned so far?
I have learned that if I monitor the blogs on a daily basis I am able to keep myself informed about what is being posted by other teachers and this is important as we all have drawbacks and we are able to learn with one another and learn from all those that know much more than we do in certain areas. I myself have learned so many interesting things about education of younger students, the challenges and the compensations.

iv. What new questions have arisen?
I have come to realize how much I have been missing out on. I thought I knew so much about technology and meanwhile I have come to see that I have just come out of the Stone Age.



  1. I wished I could help with the digital portals but I am totally ignorant about them. The only suggestion I could give about trying to find information that I want to learn about in use is looking at I don't know if there are any other definitive examples like this that I find simple yet extremely informative. I hope that helped.

  2. Virgil,

    Thank you for the site indications. I looked it up. It has very interesting introductions to many topics. Those clips are a very easy and appealing way to convey the information and will certainly be useful.


  3. Maria,

    When I am searching for software or a portal I usually "Google" he general topic or specific name if known ans work from here gradually whittling it down to useful bits unitl I find soemthing worth looking at.

    I also go to the Walden tools/resources section in our class page, and keep track of all of the ones from each class, since each instructor has favories. Many don't pertain to me due to grade or subjec matter, but man have been useful.

    Mostly i use the "free" version for teachers bu someimes I will purchase one hat I feel will be exceptionally helpful

    take care

    Rob Zingg
